Friday, 26 June 2009

Is there light at the end of this long depressing tunnel??

No craters left at all now although am still using the razor every day. You can see the large white blob on the lhs, that is where the first verruca appeared. Not sure what the black is, it could still be staining from the banana or it could be dried blood from the verruca.

Monday, 22 June 2009

The same treatment continues

Bad photos, but you can see how the foot has flattened out and white patches are appearing.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

No more banana

We are using baby wipes to clean the foot every morning before scraping it with the razor. We have also started to cover the parcel tape with black duck tape in the hope that we are blocking all light from the verruca.
We are also now swopping the banana for tea tree oil. We dab it on each verruca morning and evening using a cotton bud.

Friday, 19 June 2009

Treatment changes

Treatment has changed slightly. We are now scraping over the heel with a disposable razor before applying the banana to try and remove some of the white dead skin.

Notice how the large crator at the side of the foot has lessened considerably.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Small changes

The craters seem to be filling in now. Not sure if the black is dead verruca or left over banana as its really hard to clean the banana off.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

On and On

You can see how the banana is drawing the verrucas out It actually looks as if I have more, but I think its just that they are all coming to the surface.

Whatever the banana is doing, the verrucas don't seem to like it

Monday, 15 June 2009

Big Changes

What words can describe this................

Sunday, 14 June 2009

The white puffy skin around each of the veruccas is increasing and the craters are getting deeper. Already it is less painful to walk.

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Treatment continues, replacing banana skin every morning. You need to remember to place the pith side onto the verruca not the outside of the skin.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Lets start at the begining..............

I think I must have got my first verruca in Year 4 so I would have been around 10 at the time. Thats school swimming lessons for you I suppose.

I didn't really go to the doctors until they got really bad when I was 14. The doctors said they would go away eventually and not to worry. A year later my mum took me back to the doctors. By this time it was sooo painful to walk I think I had around 45 verruccas, mainly on my left heel, with a about 8 or so on the ball of my foot and around 5 on the other foot. Once again the doctor said they would go away on their own. We did however manage to get a small tube of white cream for them. The whole tube hardly covered one foot and it was meant to last a week. Needless to say to didn't work they were too well established.

We have tried Bazooka, the Wartner freezing stuff and the extra strong Bazooka but nothing had worked.

We have decided that we have to come up with a solution ourselves.

So this blog is the story of how we are going to get rid of these damn verrucas. We have found lots of information on the internet about banana skins and that is what we are going to try.

This is the worst heel, yesterday evening we cut up the inside of a banana skin and put each bit over each verruca on the heel and then taped it in place with parcel tape.

This is the top of the same foot. We decided not to treat this with banana as I need some part of my foot to walk on!