Friday, 31 July 2009

Hmm really not so sure now

Well a few days have past and we have been using a foot buff and removing the dead skin. We have been tea treeing the top ones and covering with nail varnish.
Having checked the feet this morning, it is clear that there are tiny red specks in the white patches where the verrucas were. (WIll try and get a close up later to show you what I mean)
So back to tea tree and tape over the heel of the foot. Needless to say its all rather depressing.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Flakey feet

This shows quite nicely how dry the feet are. The orange skin is just flaking off and new pink skin is showing underneath.
Am trying to decide if this heel is actually free from verrucas now. Its so hard to tell.
I am now going to stop the tea tree on this heel and just moisturise it to give the skin a chance to recover. I am continuing the tea tree, scraping and varnishing on the top part of the foot though.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Slight change of attack

Bad photos due to light, but the redness is from the scraping. Feet are really really dry so I'm going to take a gamble and stop the taping but continue with spotting on the tea tree oil. This way I can moisturise the sides and bottom of my foot. I'm going to use baby moisturiser as that should be nice and gentle. I'm going to try and block out the light and stop reinfection by covering the remaining verrucas with nail varnish.

Monday, 13 July 2009

WIll they ever go?

Not much change really. These look a bit red, but they had just been scraped and therefore a bit tender.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Are they dying or not?

The skin on the foot is getting drier and drier. Its definately changing, I wish I knew for certain at what point they are definately dead.

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Same treatment, more tea tree, scraping and taping.

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Must update more regularly!!!!

Not sure at all whats going on with the white areas. They are all places where the oldest verrucas were, I don't know if this means they are gone or not.

Still tea treeing, scraping and taping. My skin is really begining to dry out now.

The top of the foot is scraping off nicely, I think it is because these were the newest, and were not so deeply rooted.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Have started to banana the top of the foot now as I felt they weren't improving enough. Its really hard getting it to stay in place though, and much harder to scrape as I'm really sensitive on this part of my foot.