Have things got better - well kind of!
We have continued the treatment religously and the following pictures show the progress in August.
You can see how black the one on the side of my foot got.
This next one shows quite well how the rest of my foot is begining to suffer a bit, the pink skin is very sensitive. The plasters at the top of my foot are where the verruccas covered in Avoca are.
One of the hardest things about treating verruccas is knowing when they are in retreat and you're getting on top of them.
Not long after this picture we decided it was better for the skin to be uncovered to allow the healthly skin to harden up. We started to Avoca all the verruccas and then cover with very small plasters. (Very small circular ones bought from ebay, cheap and do the job!)
Meanwhile we had been using the Avoca pen on the top of the foot. Applying for 3 days consecutively and then scraping off with a disposable razor.
Looking better!