Gave my feet a long soak in a bowl of water as the skin is suffering from being covered all the time.
The white area at the top of the picture is now greatly reduced due to scraping it with a razor.
You can just about see the big crator on the side of my foot has gone black, thats by far the most painful one. I'm waiting for the pain to lessen before I scrape that one. The foot itself is much healthier, I'm not using duct tape any more just surgical micropore which allows the skin to breathe. I didn't see the point of continuing with duct tape as I'm covering the verrucas with cotton wool soaked pads so they're not getting any light anyway.
Wasn't quite sure what the avoca pen would do. You dip the tip of it in water and then rub it onto the verruca for 1 minute. It looks as though nothing has happened but after a while of being covered with a plaster it turns black. You can just make out the black beneath the plasters.
Once they were all re-covered I moisturised the rest of the foot with baby moisturiser and it made them feel sooo much better.
So today we have reapplied the avoca to the ones at the top of the foot and are still vinagaring the ones on my heel. We'll see what tomorrow brings!
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